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Let me help you feel more confident, beautiful & fresh  all day, everyday! No   makeup, just Luxorious lashes!
Stay social media ready, regardless! #NoFilterÂ
Look fresh & vibrant, natural or glamorous! Boost your confidence! So lightweight you'll barely even notice them there.
Years of experience creating custom looks on men and women of all ages, including: Model/Portfolio work & TV productions as well as local, major, and online celebrities/influencers!
Common Concerns
Q: I don't know much about your services.
A: I understand that. Amazing Lash & Lash Lounge were once brands no one knew about. What do you know about them now that people didn't know initially?
Q: 2-3 Hours for a full set? I don't have the time.
A: I can definitely understand that! Ask yourself this, how does it make you feel not to have time to do this? What other areas of your life are more important than taking time for you?
Q: How do I know this will work?
A: I understand you may not know or trust me yet, but all of my clients were in the same boat when they found me, and they were able to take the leap to get the results they needed. Most women can enjoy the flexibility of natural lash extensions.
Q: That's more than I'm looking to spend.
A: I would hate for you to not get what you need, damage your lashes, have a terrible experience, or get an infection from an unsanitary workplace. If you trust that I can solve your problems, Is it worth it to fix them?
Q: I just need to think about it more.
A: I get you want to think about it, but what made you click on the link today? I'm positive I can help you solve your problems, but I only have limited availability as my schedule fills up quickly.
Created with life in mind, work out and continue your normal daily routines while still looking fabulous!

How Do I Get My Luxorious Lashes?
Luxorious Lashes & Lengths
(682) 232 - 3594
Dunn Ave
Jacksonville, FL
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